Dr. Jennifer Vonk
Laboratory of Cognitive Origins
Curriculum Vitae
Graduate Study
Current Graduate Students
Current Graduate Students
Syllabus for PSY 5001 fall 2019 -
Updated Oct.
First Paper Assignment
Lecture 1: Introduction
Lecture 2: Formulating Questions
Lecture 3: Ethics
Hauser Report
Link to recent article on problems in science
Second thoughts of an animal researcher
Ethics Paper for Week 2
Roediger article on fraud
and replication
Smeesters Story
Willowbrook details
False Positive Psychology
Willowbrook video
Stanford Prison Exp.
Lecture 4 Measurement
Lecture 5 & 6 Internal and External Validity
Lecture 7 Sampling
Lectures 8 & 9
True Experiments
Lecture 10:
Lecture 11: Quasi Experiments
Lecture 12: Correlational
Lecture 13: Observational and Field Research
Lecture 14: Proposal Writing
Graduate Handbook with guidelines for theses
Guidelines for Proposal Presentations
Presentation Schedule 2019