The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Evolutionary Psychology Edited by Jennifer Vonk and Todd K. Shackelford

Peer Reviewed Publications
Alessandroni, N., Altschul, D., Bazhydai, M., Brosnan, S. F., Byers-Heinlein, K., Call, J.,
Chittka, L., Elsherif, M., Espinosa, J., Freeman, M., Gjoneska, B., Güntürkün, O., Huber,
L., Krasheninnikova, A., Mazza, V., Miller, R., Moreau, D., Nawroth, C., Pronizius, E.,
Ruiz-Fernández, S., Schwing, R., Šlipogor, V., Visser, I., Vonk, J., Yeager, J., Zettersten, M., & Prétôt, L. (2024). Bringing big team science to comparative cognition research: Challenges and ways forward. Nature Human Behaviour.
Johnson-Ulrich, Z., Hoffmaster, E., Robeson, A., & Vonk, J. (in press). Form over
function: Striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) learn arbitrary visual patterns to solve a non-
causal slat-pulling task. Journal of Comparative Psychology,
Greene, B. & Vonk, J. (2024). Is companion animal loss cat-astrophic? Responses of
domestic cats to the loss of another companion animal. Applied Animal Behaviour
Science, 277, 106355.
Bernstein-Kurtycz, L.M., Vonk, J., Zinter, M., Carroscia, J.M., Koester, D.C., Snyder, R.J.,
Willis, M.A., & Lukas, K.E. (2024). Lack of food reinforcement is hard to “bear”:
Validating a judgment bias task to assess underlying affect in grizzly bears. Journal of
Applied Animal Welfare Science, 27(3) 575-588.
Vance, G. S., Zeigler-Hill, V., Vonk, J. & Shackelford, T.K. (2024). Inevitable or preventable? The biosocial theory of wartime rape. Evolutionary Psychological Science,
101, 135-154.
Vonk, J., Tomeny, T., Jett, S.E., Mercer, S. & Cwikla, J. (2024). A Cross-sequential
study of theory of mind, IQ, and fair sharing framed socially and non-socially in young
children. Cognitive Development, 71, 101460.
Jordan, A. & Vonk, J. (2024). No loss of support if attached: Attachment not pet type
predicts grief, loss, and perceived support. Anthrozoos, 37(3), 535-552.
Vonk, J. (2024). Prosocial or photo preferences? gorillas’ prosocial choices using a
touchscreen. American Journal of Primatology, 86(5) e23612.
Crews, T., Vonk, J. & McGuire, M. (2024). Catcalls: Exotic cats discriminate voices of
familiar humans. PeerJ, 12:e16904.
Zeigler-Hill, V., Vonk, J., Barlow, C., Brosch, N. & Coon, E. (2024). The early life of
Narcissus: The connections that childhood harshness and unpredictability have with
narcissistic personality traits. Personality and Individual Differences, 221, 112571.
Edge, J., Vonk, J. & Welling, L. (2024). Asexual individuals report high preferences for
femininity in male and female faces. Psychology and Sexuality, 15 (3), 398-414.
Zeigler-Hill, V., Vonk, J. & Fatfouta, R. (2023). Does Narcissus prefer to be alone?
Narcissistic personality features and the preference for solitude. Journal of Personality,
Vonk J., & Pappas, J. (2023). Borderline personality features predict empathy for
dogs but not children. International Journal of Personality Psychology, 9, 95-107.
Truax, J., Vonk, J., Meri, E. & Troxell-Smith, S., (2023). Aquarium visitors catch some
rays: Rays are more active in the presence of more visitors. Animals, 13, 3526,
Edge, J., & Vonk, J. (2023). A comparison of mate preferences in asexual and allosexual
adults. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-8.
Vonk, J. (2023). The bonds between us: Stronger bonds predict greater attribution of
companion animal socio-cognitive skills. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 269,
Vonk, J., Khalid, A., Johnson, A., Cameron, P. & Lee, E. (2023). Avoidant attachment
mediates cultural differences in likelihood to surrender pets. Anthrozoos, 36(6), 1039-1059.
Zeigler-Hill, V. & Vonk, J. (2023). Borderline personality features and mate retention
behaviors: the mediating roles of suspicious and reactive jealousy. Sexes, 4(4), 507-521.
Vonk, J. (2023). Developing a preference scale for a bear: From "bearly like" to like
“beary” much. Animals, 13 (9), 1554.
O’Connor, V.L., & Vonk, J. (2023). “A (Tiger) King’s ransom”: Dark personality
features predict endorsement of exotic animal exploitation. Personality and
Individual Differences, 202, 111956.
Zeigler-Hill, V., Vonk, J. (2022). Narcissism and state self-esteem revisited: The mediating roles of daily perceptions of status and inclusion. Identity.
O’Connor, V.L., Vonk, J. & Compitus, K. (2022). When support is “pawsed”: Increased
attachment mediates the association between loss of support and pet bereavement during
the pandemic. Human Animal Interaction Bulletin,
O’Connor, V.L. & Vonk, J. (2022). Scaredy-cats don’t succeed: Behavioral traits predict
problem-solving success in captive carnivores. PeerJ, 10214453,
Vonk, J., Bouma, E.M., & Dijkistra, A. (2022). A Time to say goodbye: Predictors of
end-of-life decisions by pet owners. Human Animal Interaction Bulletin, 13(1), 146-165.
Vincent, J.L., & Vonk, J., (2022). Aroma-dillo or area-dillo? An examination of
armadillos’ sensory modality bias. Behavioural Processes, 202, 104751.
Truax, J., Vonk, J., Vincent, J.L. & Bell, Z.K. (2022). Teamwork makes the string work:
Assessing cooperation in African crested porcupines (Hystrix cristata). Journal of
Zoological and Botanical Gardens, 3, 448–462.
Vonk, J., McGuire, M., & Leete, J.A. (2022). Testing for the “blues”: Using the modified
emotional Stroop task to assess the emotional response of gorillas, Animals, 12, 1188.
Edge, J., Vonk, J. & Welling, L.L.M. (in press). Asexuality and relationship investment:
Visible differences in relationship investment for an invisible minority.
Psychology and Sexuality.
Vonk, J. (2022). What’s not to like about Likert? Developing a nonverbal animal
preference scale (NAPS). American Journal of Primatology, e23364
Vonk, J., Truax, J., & McGuire, M. (2022). A Food for all seasons: Stability of food
preferences in gorillas across testing methods and seasons, Animals, 12, 685.
Leete, J.A. & Vonk, J. (2022). In mixed company: Macaws are self-regarding in a
symbolic prosocial choice task. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 76:9,
Truax, J. & Vonk, J. (2021). Silence is golden: Auditory preferences in zoo-housed
gorillas. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 1-16.
Bryer, M.A.H., Koopman, S.E., Cantlon, J.F., Piantadosi, S.T., MacLean, E.L., Baker, J.M.,
Beran, M.J., Jones, S.M., Jordan, K.E., Mahamane, S., Nieder, A., Perdue, B.M., Range,
F., Stevens, J.R., Tomonaga, M., Ujfalussy, D.J. & Vonk, J. (2022). The evolution of
quantitative sensitivity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Proceedings B.
Bernstein-Kurtycz, L.M., Koester, D., Snyder, R., Vonk, J., Willis, M., & Lukas, K.E.
(2021). ‘Bearly’ changing with the seasons: Bears of five species show few
behavioral changes across seasons and at varying visitor densities. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 8 (4), 539-558.
Vonk, J., Vincent, J., & O’Connor, V., (2021). It’s hard to be social alone: Cognitive
complexity as transfer within and across domains. Comparative Cognition Reviews. 16, 33-67.
Vonk, J. (2021). The journey in comparative psychology matters more than the destination. Journal of Comparative Psychology. 135(2), 156-167.
Vonk, J., McGuire, M.C., & Johnson-Ulrich, Z. (2021). Bearing fruit: Piloting a novel
judgement bias task in an American black bear. Zoo Biology, 40, 89-97.
Townsend, L., Robeson, A., Vonk, J. & Rohrbeck, K. (2021). Autism does not dictate
children’s lack of sharing in a prosocial choice test. Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disabilities. 51, 2029-2035. DOI: 10.1007/s10803-020-04691-1
Vonk, J. & Brothers, B., & Zeigler-Hill, V. (in press). Ours is not to reason why: Information seeking across domains. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 13(3), 314-323.DOI:10.1037/rel0000304
McGuire, M.C., & Vonk, J. (2020). In or out: Response slowing across housing
conditions as a measure of affect in three western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla).
PeerJ, 8: e9525 doi: 10.7717/peerj.9525
Eaton, T., Billette, P. & Vonk, J. (2020). Are there metacognitivists in fox holes? A
Preliminary test of information seeking in an arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus). Behavioral
Sciences, 10, 81, doi:10.3390/bs10050081.
Emigh, H., Truax, J., Highfill, L. & Vonk, J. (2020). Not by the same token: A female
orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) is selectively prosocial. Primates, 6, 237-247. DOI: 10.1007/s10329-019-00780-7
Leete, J.A., Vonk, J., Oriani, S., Eaton, T., & Lieb, J. (2020). Domestic cats (Felis
silvestris catus) do not infer reputation in humans after direct and indirect experience.
Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin, 8, 35-53.
Hajnal, A., Vonk, J., & Zeigler-Hill, V. (2020). Peer influence on conformity and
confidence in a perceptual judgment task. Psihologija, 53, 101-113.
Tratner, A.E., Shackelford, T.S., Zeigler-Hill, V., Vonk, J. & McDonald, M.M. (2020).
Fear the unseen: Supernatural belief and agency-detection in virtual reality. Religion,
Brain and Behavior, 10, 118-131.
Vonk, J., Jett, S.E., Tomeny, T.S., Mercer, S., & Cwikla, J. (2020). Young children’s
theory of mind predicts more sharing with friends over time. Child Development, 91, 63-
Vonk, J. & Rastogi, G. (2019). The “sh-ape bias” in non-linguistic categorization:
Comparisons between children and other apes Journal of Cognition and Development,
20, 380-398.
Vonk, J., Zeigler-Hill, V., Cater, T.E., & Aradhye, C. (2019). Believe what I believe:
Correspondence between the beliefs of young adults and the perceived beliefs of their
caregivers. Journal of Genetic Psychology. 180, 103-113. DOI:10.1080/00221325.2019.1596877
Jeffery, A.J., Shackelford, T.K, Zeigler-Hill, V., Vonk, J. & McDonald, M.M. (2019).
The Evolution of human female sexual orientation. Evolutionary Psychological Science,
5, 71-86.
da Costa, H. P., Vrabel, J.K., Zeigler-Hill, V. & Vonk, J. (2018). DSM-5 pathological
personality traits are associated with the ability to understand the emotional states of
others. Journal of Research in Personality, 75, 1-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.jrp.2018.05.001
Johnson-Ulrich, Z. & Vonk, J. (2018). Spatial representation of magnitude in
humans (Homo sapiens), Western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla), and
American black bears, (Ursus americanus). Animal Cognition, 21, 531-550. doi:
10.1007/s10071-018- 1186-y
Eaton, T., Hutton, R., Leete, J., Lieb, J., Robeson, A. & Vonk, J. (2018). Bottoms-up:
Rejecting top-down human-centered approaches in comparative psychology.
International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 31.
McGuire, M.C., Johnson-Ulrich, Z., Robeson, A., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Vonk, J. (2018). I
say thee “neigh”: Rescued equids are optimistic in a judgment bias task. Journal of
Veterinary Behavior, 25, 85-91.
McGuire, M. C. & Vonk, J. (2018). Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) fail to learn
abstract cues of differential outcomes in a novel cognitive bias test. Animal
Behavior and Cognition, 5, 103-117.
Vonk, J., & Jett, S.E. (2018). “Bear-ly” learning: Limits of abstraction in black bear
cognition. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 5, 68-78.
Fuller, G., Murray, A. ,Thueme, M., McGuire, M., Vonk ,J. & Allard, S. (2018).
Behavioral and hormonal responses to the availability of forage material in western
lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). Zoo Biology, 37, 23-34.
Johnson-Ulrich, Z., Hoffmaster, E., Robeson, A. & Vonk, J. (2017). Visual acuity in the
striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 131, 384-389.
McGuire, M.C., Vonk, J. & Johnson-Ulrich, Z. (2017). Ambiguous results when using
the ambiguous-cue paradigm to assess learning and cognitive bias in gorillas and a black
bear. Behavioral Sciences, 7(3), 51; doi:10.3390/bs7030051
Enjaian, B., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Vonk, J. (2017). The relationship between approval-based
contingent self-esteem and conformity is influenced by sex and task difficulty.
Personality and Individual Differences, 115, 58-64. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.06.040
Vonk, J. & Pitzen, J. (2017). Believing in other minds: Accurate mentalizing does not
predict religiosity. Personality and Individual Differences, 115, 70-76. DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2016.06.008
Vonk, J. & Leete, J. (2017). Carnivore concepts: Categorization in carnivores “bears”
further study. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 30.
McGuire, M., Vonk, J., Fuller, G., & Allard, S. (2017). Using an ambiguous cue
paradigm to assess cognitive bias in gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) during a browse
manipulation. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 4, 91-104.
Vonk, J., Patton, C. & Galvan, M. (2016). Not so Cold-Blooded: Narcissistic and
Borderline Personality Traits predict Attachment to Traditional and Non-traditional Pets.
Anthrozoos, 49, 627-637.
Johnson-Ulrich, Z., Vonk, J., Humbyrd, M., Crowley, M., Wojtkowsk, E., Yates, F., &
Allard, S. (2016). Picture object recognition in an American black bear (Ursus
Americanus). Animal Cognition, 19, 1237-1242. DOI: 10.1007/s10071-016-1011-4
Hoffmaster, E. & Vonk, J. (2016). Dynamic duos? Jamaican fruit bats (Artibeus jamaicensis) do not show prosocial behavior in a release paradigm. Behavioral Sciences, 6, 25: doi:10.3390/bs6040025.
Vonk, J. & Pitzen, J. (2016). Religiosity and the formulation of causal attributions. Thinking and Reasoning, 22, 119-149.
Hoffmaster, E.,Vonk, J., & Mies, R. (2016). Education to action: Improving public
perception of bats. Animals, 6:6 DOI: 10.3390/ani6010006
Galvan, M. & Vonk, J. (2016). Man’s other best friend: Domestic cats (F. silvestris catus) and their understanding of human emotion cues. Animal Cognition, 19, 193-205.
Ewing, D., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Vonk, J., (2016). Spitefulness and deficits in the social-
perceptual and social-cognitive components of theory of mind. Personality and
Individual Differences, 91, 7-13.
Zeigler-Hill, V. & Vonk, J. (2015). Dark personality features and emotion dysregulation. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 34, 692-704.
Hamilton, J. & Vonk, J. (2015). Do dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) recognize kin? Behavioral Processes, 119, 123-134.
McGuire, M., Williams, K.L, Welling, L., & Vonk, J. (2015). Cognitive bias in rats is not influenced by oxytocin. Frontiers in Comparative Psychology, 6, 1306-1331.
Vonk, J., Zeigler-Hill, V., Ewing, T. D., Mercer, S, & Noser, A.E., (2015). Mind-reading
in the dark: Dark personality features and theory of mind. Personality and Individual Differences, 87, 50-54.
Aradhye, C. & Vonk, J. (2015). Adults’ responsiveness to infant expression. Journal of
Experimental Child Psychology, 135, 56-71.
Zeigler-Hill, V., Noser, A. E., Roof, C., Vonk, J., & Marcus, D. K. (2015).
Spitefulness and moral values. Personality and Individual Differences, 77, 86-90.
Vonk, J. & Johnson – Ulrich, Z. (2014). Social and non-social category
discriminations in a chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and American black bears
(Ursus americanus). Learning and Behavior, 42, 231-245.
Vonk, J. & Hamilton, J. (2014). Orangutans (Pongo abelii) and a Gorilla (Gorilla
gorilla gorilla) match features in familiar and unfamiliar individuals. Animal Cognition, 17, 1089-1105.
Vonk, J. & Galvan, M. (2014). What do natural categorization studies tell us about apes and bears? Animal Behavior & Cognition, 1, 309-330.
Vonk, J., Torgerson-White, L, McGuire, M., Thueme, M., Thomas, J. & Beran, M.J. (2014). Quantity estimation and comparison in Western Lowland Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). Animal Cognition, 17, 755-765.
Chittka, L., Elsherif, M., Espinosa, J., Freeman, M., Gjoneska, B., Güntürkün, O., Huber,
L., Krasheninnikova, A., Mazza, V., Miller, R., Moreau, D., Nawroth, C., Pronizius, E.,
Ruiz-Fernández, S., Schwing, R., Šlipogor, V., Visser, I., Vonk, J., Yeager, J., Zettersten, M., & Prétôt, L. (2024). Bringing big team science to comparative cognition research: Challenges and ways forward. Nature Human Behaviour.
Johnson-Ulrich, Z., Hoffmaster, E., Robeson, A., & Vonk, J. (in press). Form over
function: Striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) learn arbitrary visual patterns to solve a non-
causal slat-pulling task. Journal of Comparative Psychology,
Greene, B. & Vonk, J. (2024). Is companion animal loss cat-astrophic? Responses of
domestic cats to the loss of another companion animal. Applied Animal Behaviour
Science, 277, 106355.
Bernstein-Kurtycz, L.M., Vonk, J., Zinter, M., Carroscia, J.M., Koester, D.C., Snyder, R.J.,
Willis, M.A., & Lukas, K.E. (2024). Lack of food reinforcement is hard to “bear”:
Validating a judgment bias task to assess underlying affect in grizzly bears. Journal of
Applied Animal Welfare Science, 27(3) 575-588.
Vance, G. S., Zeigler-Hill, V., Vonk, J. & Shackelford, T.K. (2024). Inevitable or preventable? The biosocial theory of wartime rape. Evolutionary Psychological Science,
101, 135-154.
Vonk, J., Tomeny, T., Jett, S.E., Mercer, S. & Cwikla, J. (2024). A Cross-sequential
study of theory of mind, IQ, and fair sharing framed socially and non-socially in young
children. Cognitive Development, 71, 101460.
Jordan, A. & Vonk, J. (2024). No loss of support if attached: Attachment not pet type
predicts grief, loss, and perceived support. Anthrozoos, 37(3), 535-552.
Vonk, J. (2024). Prosocial or photo preferences? gorillas’ prosocial choices using a
touchscreen. American Journal of Primatology, 86(5) e23612.
Crews, T., Vonk, J. & McGuire, M. (2024). Catcalls: Exotic cats discriminate voices of
familiar humans. PeerJ, 12:e16904.
Zeigler-Hill, V., Vonk, J., Barlow, C., Brosch, N. & Coon, E. (2024). The early life of
Narcissus: The connections that childhood harshness and unpredictability have with
narcissistic personality traits. Personality and Individual Differences, 221, 112571.
Edge, J., Vonk, J. & Welling, L. (2024). Asexual individuals report high preferences for
femininity in male and female faces. Psychology and Sexuality, 15 (3), 398-414.
Zeigler-Hill, V., Vonk, J. & Fatfouta, R. (2023). Does Narcissus prefer to be alone?
Narcissistic personality features and the preference for solitude. Journal of Personality,
Vonk J., & Pappas, J. (2023). Borderline personality features predict empathy for
dogs but not children. International Journal of Personality Psychology, 9, 95-107.
Truax, J., Vonk, J., Meri, E. & Troxell-Smith, S., (2023). Aquarium visitors catch some
rays: Rays are more active in the presence of more visitors. Animals, 13, 3526,
Edge, J., & Vonk, J. (2023). A comparison of mate preferences in asexual and allosexual
adults. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-8.
Vonk, J. (2023). The bonds between us: Stronger bonds predict greater attribution of
companion animal socio-cognitive skills. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 269,
Vonk, J., Khalid, A., Johnson, A., Cameron, P. & Lee, E. (2023). Avoidant attachment
mediates cultural differences in likelihood to surrender pets. Anthrozoos, 36(6), 1039-1059.
Zeigler-Hill, V. & Vonk, J. (2023). Borderline personality features and mate retention
behaviors: the mediating roles of suspicious and reactive jealousy. Sexes, 4(4), 507-521.
Vonk, J. (2023). Developing a preference scale for a bear: From "bearly like" to like
“beary” much. Animals, 13 (9), 1554.
O’Connor, V.L., & Vonk, J. (2023). “A (Tiger) King’s ransom”: Dark personality
features predict endorsement of exotic animal exploitation. Personality and
Individual Differences, 202, 111956.
Zeigler-Hill, V., Vonk, J. (2022). Narcissism and state self-esteem revisited: The mediating roles of daily perceptions of status and inclusion. Identity.
O’Connor, V.L., Vonk, J. & Compitus, K. (2022). When support is “pawsed”: Increased
attachment mediates the association between loss of support and pet bereavement during
the pandemic. Human Animal Interaction Bulletin,
O’Connor, V.L. & Vonk, J. (2022). Scaredy-cats don’t succeed: Behavioral traits predict
problem-solving success in captive carnivores. PeerJ, 10214453,
Vonk, J., Bouma, E.M., & Dijkistra, A. (2022). A Time to say goodbye: Predictors of
end-of-life decisions by pet owners. Human Animal Interaction Bulletin, 13(1), 146-165.
Vincent, J.L., & Vonk, J., (2022). Aroma-dillo or area-dillo? An examination of
armadillos’ sensory modality bias. Behavioural Processes, 202, 104751.
Truax, J., Vonk, J., Vincent, J.L. & Bell, Z.K. (2022). Teamwork makes the string work:
Assessing cooperation in African crested porcupines (Hystrix cristata). Journal of
Zoological and Botanical Gardens, 3, 448–462.
Vonk, J., McGuire, M., & Leete, J.A. (2022). Testing for the “blues”: Using the modified
emotional Stroop task to assess the emotional response of gorillas, Animals, 12, 1188.
Edge, J., Vonk, J. & Welling, L.L.M. (in press). Asexuality and relationship investment:
Visible differences in relationship investment for an invisible minority.
Psychology and Sexuality.
Vonk, J. (2022). What’s not to like about Likert? Developing a nonverbal animal
preference scale (NAPS). American Journal of Primatology, e23364
Vonk, J., Truax, J., & McGuire, M. (2022). A Food for all seasons: Stability of food
preferences in gorillas across testing methods and seasons, Animals, 12, 685.
Leete, J.A. & Vonk, J. (2022). In mixed company: Macaws are self-regarding in a
symbolic prosocial choice task. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 76:9,
Truax, J. & Vonk, J. (2021). Silence is golden: Auditory preferences in zoo-housed
gorillas. Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science, 1-16.
Bryer, M.A.H., Koopman, S.E., Cantlon, J.F., Piantadosi, S.T., MacLean, E.L., Baker, J.M.,
Beran, M.J., Jones, S.M., Jordan, K.E., Mahamane, S., Nieder, A., Perdue, B.M., Range,
F., Stevens, J.R., Tomonaga, M., Ujfalussy, D.J. & Vonk, J. (2022). The evolution of
quantitative sensitivity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society Proceedings B.
Bernstein-Kurtycz, L.M., Koester, D., Snyder, R., Vonk, J., Willis, M., & Lukas, K.E.
(2021). ‘Bearly’ changing with the seasons: Bears of five species show few
behavioral changes across seasons and at varying visitor densities. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 8 (4), 539-558.
Vonk, J., Vincent, J., & O’Connor, V., (2021). It’s hard to be social alone: Cognitive
complexity as transfer within and across domains. Comparative Cognition Reviews. 16, 33-67.
Vonk, J. (2021). The journey in comparative psychology matters more than the destination. Journal of Comparative Psychology. 135(2), 156-167.
Vonk, J., McGuire, M.C., & Johnson-Ulrich, Z. (2021). Bearing fruit: Piloting a novel
judgement bias task in an American black bear. Zoo Biology, 40, 89-97.
Townsend, L., Robeson, A., Vonk, J. & Rohrbeck, K. (2021). Autism does not dictate
children’s lack of sharing in a prosocial choice test. Journal of Autism and
Developmental Disabilities. 51, 2029-2035. DOI: 10.1007/s10803-020-04691-1
Vonk, J. & Brothers, B., & Zeigler-Hill, V. (in press). Ours is not to reason why: Information seeking across domains. Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 13(3), 314-323.DOI:10.1037/rel0000304
McGuire, M.C., & Vonk, J. (2020). In or out: Response slowing across housing
conditions as a measure of affect in three western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla).
PeerJ, 8: e9525 doi: 10.7717/peerj.9525
Eaton, T., Billette, P. & Vonk, J. (2020). Are there metacognitivists in fox holes? A
Preliminary test of information seeking in an arctic fox (Vulpes lagopus). Behavioral
Sciences, 10, 81, doi:10.3390/bs10050081.
Emigh, H., Truax, J., Highfill, L. & Vonk, J. (2020). Not by the same token: A female
orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) is selectively prosocial. Primates, 6, 237-247. DOI: 10.1007/s10329-019-00780-7
Leete, J.A., Vonk, J., Oriani, S., Eaton, T., & Lieb, J. (2020). Domestic cats (Felis
silvestris catus) do not infer reputation in humans after direct and indirect experience.
Human-Animal Interaction Bulletin, 8, 35-53.
Hajnal, A., Vonk, J., & Zeigler-Hill, V. (2020). Peer influence on conformity and
confidence in a perceptual judgment task. Psihologija, 53, 101-113.
Tratner, A.E., Shackelford, T.S., Zeigler-Hill, V., Vonk, J. & McDonald, M.M. (2020).
Fear the unseen: Supernatural belief and agency-detection in virtual reality. Religion,
Brain and Behavior, 10, 118-131.
Vonk, J., Jett, S.E., Tomeny, T.S., Mercer, S., & Cwikla, J. (2020). Young children’s
theory of mind predicts more sharing with friends over time. Child Development, 91, 63-
Vonk, J. & Rastogi, G. (2019). The “sh-ape bias” in non-linguistic categorization:
Comparisons between children and other apes Journal of Cognition and Development,
20, 380-398.
Vonk, J., Zeigler-Hill, V., Cater, T.E., & Aradhye, C. (2019). Believe what I believe:
Correspondence between the beliefs of young adults and the perceived beliefs of their
caregivers. Journal of Genetic Psychology. 180, 103-113. DOI:10.1080/00221325.2019.1596877
Jeffery, A.J., Shackelford, T.K, Zeigler-Hill, V., Vonk, J. & McDonald, M.M. (2019).
The Evolution of human female sexual orientation. Evolutionary Psychological Science,
5, 71-86.
da Costa, H. P., Vrabel, J.K., Zeigler-Hill, V. & Vonk, J. (2018). DSM-5 pathological
personality traits are associated with the ability to understand the emotional states of
others. Journal of Research in Personality, 75, 1-11. DOI: 10.1016/j.jrp.2018.05.001
Johnson-Ulrich, Z. & Vonk, J. (2018). Spatial representation of magnitude in
humans (Homo sapiens), Western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla), and
American black bears, (Ursus americanus). Animal Cognition, 21, 531-550. doi:
10.1007/s10071-018- 1186-y
Eaton, T., Hutton, R., Leete, J., Lieb, J., Robeson, A. & Vonk, J. (2018). Bottoms-up:
Rejecting top-down human-centered approaches in comparative psychology.
International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 31.
McGuire, M.C., Johnson-Ulrich, Z., Robeson, A., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Vonk, J. (2018). I
say thee “neigh”: Rescued equids are optimistic in a judgment bias task. Journal of
Veterinary Behavior, 25, 85-91.
McGuire, M. C. & Vonk, J. (2018). Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) fail to learn
abstract cues of differential outcomes in a novel cognitive bias test. Animal
Behavior and Cognition, 5, 103-117.
Vonk, J., & Jett, S.E. (2018). “Bear-ly” learning: Limits of abstraction in black bear
cognition. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 5, 68-78.
Fuller, G., Murray, A. ,Thueme, M., McGuire, M., Vonk ,J. & Allard, S. (2018).
Behavioral and hormonal responses to the availability of forage material in western
lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). Zoo Biology, 37, 23-34.
Johnson-Ulrich, Z., Hoffmaster, E., Robeson, A. & Vonk, J. (2017). Visual acuity in the
striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 131, 384-389.
McGuire, M.C., Vonk, J. & Johnson-Ulrich, Z. (2017). Ambiguous results when using
the ambiguous-cue paradigm to assess learning and cognitive bias in gorillas and a black
bear. Behavioral Sciences, 7(3), 51; doi:10.3390/bs7030051
Enjaian, B., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Vonk, J. (2017). The relationship between approval-based
contingent self-esteem and conformity is influenced by sex and task difficulty.
Personality and Individual Differences, 115, 58-64. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2016.06.040
Vonk, J. & Pitzen, J. (2017). Believing in other minds: Accurate mentalizing does not
predict religiosity. Personality and Individual Differences, 115, 70-76. DOI:10.1016/j.paid.2016.06.008
Vonk, J. & Leete, J. (2017). Carnivore concepts: Categorization in carnivores “bears”
further study. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 30.
McGuire, M., Vonk, J., Fuller, G., & Allard, S. (2017). Using an ambiguous cue
paradigm to assess cognitive bias in gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) during a browse
manipulation. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 4, 91-104.
Vonk, J., Patton, C. & Galvan, M. (2016). Not so Cold-Blooded: Narcissistic and
Borderline Personality Traits predict Attachment to Traditional and Non-traditional Pets.
Anthrozoos, 49, 627-637.
Johnson-Ulrich, Z., Vonk, J., Humbyrd, M., Crowley, M., Wojtkowsk, E., Yates, F., &
Allard, S. (2016). Picture object recognition in an American black bear (Ursus
Americanus). Animal Cognition, 19, 1237-1242. DOI: 10.1007/s10071-016-1011-4
Hoffmaster, E. & Vonk, J. (2016). Dynamic duos? Jamaican fruit bats (Artibeus jamaicensis) do not show prosocial behavior in a release paradigm. Behavioral Sciences, 6, 25: doi:10.3390/bs6040025.
Vonk, J. & Pitzen, J. (2016). Religiosity and the formulation of causal attributions. Thinking and Reasoning, 22, 119-149.
Hoffmaster, E.,Vonk, J., & Mies, R. (2016). Education to action: Improving public
perception of bats. Animals, 6:6 DOI: 10.3390/ani6010006
Galvan, M. & Vonk, J. (2016). Man’s other best friend: Domestic cats (F. silvestris catus) and their understanding of human emotion cues. Animal Cognition, 19, 193-205.
Ewing, D., Zeigler-Hill, V., & Vonk, J., (2016). Spitefulness and deficits in the social-
perceptual and social-cognitive components of theory of mind. Personality and
Individual Differences, 91, 7-13.
Zeigler-Hill, V. & Vonk, J. (2015). Dark personality features and emotion dysregulation. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 34, 692-704.
Hamilton, J. & Vonk, J. (2015). Do dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) recognize kin? Behavioral Processes, 119, 123-134.
McGuire, M., Williams, K.L, Welling, L., & Vonk, J. (2015). Cognitive bias in rats is not influenced by oxytocin. Frontiers in Comparative Psychology, 6, 1306-1331.
Vonk, J., Zeigler-Hill, V., Ewing, T. D., Mercer, S, & Noser, A.E., (2015). Mind-reading
in the dark: Dark personality features and theory of mind. Personality and Individual Differences, 87, 50-54.
Aradhye, C. & Vonk, J. (2015). Adults’ responsiveness to infant expression. Journal of
Experimental Child Psychology, 135, 56-71.
Zeigler-Hill, V., Noser, A. E., Roof, C., Vonk, J., & Marcus, D. K. (2015).
Spitefulness and moral values. Personality and Individual Differences, 77, 86-90.
Vonk, J. & Johnson – Ulrich, Z. (2014). Social and non-social category
discriminations in a chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and American black bears
(Ursus americanus). Learning and Behavior, 42, 231-245.
Vonk, J. & Hamilton, J. (2014). Orangutans (Pongo abelii) and a Gorilla (Gorilla
gorilla gorilla) match features in familiar and unfamiliar individuals. Animal Cognition, 17, 1089-1105.
Vonk, J. & Galvan, M. (2014). What do natural categorization studies tell us about apes and bears? Animal Behavior & Cognition, 1, 309-330.
Vonk, J., Torgerson-White, L, McGuire, M., Thueme, M., Thomas, J. & Beran, M.J. (2014). Quantity estimation and comparison in Western Lowland Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). Animal Cognition, 17, 755-765.
Vonk, J. (2014). Quantity matching by an orangutan (Pongo abelii). Animal Cognition, 17, 297-306.
Vonk, J. (2013). Matching based on biological categories in Orangutans (Pongo abelii) and a Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). PeerJ, 1:e158.
Vonk, J. & Vedder, C. (2013). A Zoo-housed chimpanzee’s (Pan troglodytes) responses to potentially arousing stimuli. International Journal of Comparative
Psychology, 26, 213-232.
Zeigler-Hill, V., Li, H., Masri, J., Smith, A., Vonk, J., Madson, M. B., & Zhang, Q. (2013).
Self-esteem instability and academic outcomes in American and Chinese college students. Journal of Research in Personality, 47, 455-463.
Vonk, J., Jett, S. E., Mosteller, K.W. & Galvan, M. (2013).Natural category discrimination in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) at three levels of abstraction. Learning and Behavior, 41, 271-284.
Vonk, J. (2013). Matching based on biological categories in Orangutans (Pongo abelii) and a Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). PeerJ, 1:e158.
Vonk, J. & Vedder, C. (2013). A Zoo-housed chimpanzee’s (Pan troglodytes) responses to potentially arousing stimuli. International Journal of Comparative
Psychology, 26, 213-232.
Zeigler-Hill, V., Li, H., Masri, J., Smith, A., Vonk, J., Madson, M. B., & Zhang, Q. (2013).
Self-esteem instability and academic outcomes in American and Chinese college students. Journal of Research in Personality, 47, 455-463.
Vonk, J., Jett, S. E., Mosteller, K.W. & Galvan, M. (2013).Natural category discrimination in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) at three levels of abstraction. Learning and Behavior, 41, 271-284.
Vonk, J.,Zeigler-Hill, V., Mayhew, P. & Mercer, S. (2013). Mirror mirror on the wall:
Which form of Narcissist knows self and others best of all? Personality and Individual Differences54, 396-401.
Vonk, J., Jett, S.E., & Mosteller, K.W. (2012). Concept formation in American black
bears (Ursus americanus). AnimalBehaviour, 84, 954-964.
Vonk, J. & Beran, M.J. (2012).Bears “Count” Too: Quantity Estimation and
Comparison in Black Bears (Ursus Americanus). Animal Behaviour, 84, 231-238.
Zamisch, V. & Vonk, J. (2012). Spatial Memory in Captive American Black Bears
(Ursus Americanus). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 126, 372-387 .
Subiaul, F., Vonk, J. & Rutherford, M.D.(2011).The Ghosts in the Computer: The Role of Agency and Animacy Attributions in “Ghost Controls”. PLOS One.
Cater, T.E., Zeigler-Hill, V & Vonk, J. (2011). Narcissism and recollections of early life experiences. Personality and Individual Differences, 51, 935-939.
Vonk, J. & Povinelli, D.J. (2011).Individual differences in long-term cognitive testing in a group of captive chimpanzees. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 24, 137-167.
West, S., Jett, S.E., Beckman, T. & Vonk, J. (2010). The Phylogenetic roots of cognitive
dissonance. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 124, 425-432.
Vonk, J. & Subiaul, F. (2009). Do chimpanzees know what others can and cannot do?
Reasoning about ‘capability’. Animal Cognition, 12, 267-286.
Subiaul, F., Vonk, J., Barth, J., &. Okamoto-Barth, S. (2008). Do Chimpanzees learn
reputation by observation? Evidence from direct and indirect experience with generous and selfish strangers. Animal Cognition, 11, 611-623.
Vonk, J., Brosnan, S.F., Povinelli, D.J., Henrich, J. Shapiro. S., Richardson, A, Lambeth, S.P. & Silk, J.B. (2008). Chimpanzees do not take advantage of low-cost opportunities
to deliver food to group-mates. Animal Behaviour, 75, 1757 - 1770.
Vonk, J. & Horton, K.D. (2006). The role of automatic and conscious retrieval processes in
directed forgetting. Memory & Cognition, 34, 505-517.
Silk, J., Brosnan, S.F., Vonk, J., Henrich, J., Povinelli, D.J., Shapiro, S., Richardson, A,
Lambeth, S.P., & Mascaro, J. (2005). Chimpanzees are indifferent to the welfare of unrelated group members. Nature, 437, 1357-1359.
Horton, K.D., Wilson, D.E., Vonk, J., Kirby, S.L., & Nielsen, T. (2005). A comparison of
implicit memory and process dissociation with the speeded response procedure: Depth of
processing and attentional effects on automatic retrieval. Acta Psychologica, 119, 235-
Vonk, J., & MacDonald, S.E. (2004). Levels of abstraction in orangutan (Pongo abelii)
categorization. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 118, 3-13.
Povinelli, D.J. & Vonk, J. (2004). We don’t need a microscope to explore the chimpanzee’s mind. Jointly published in Mind and Language, 19, 1-28,and S. Hurley & M. Nudds (Eds.) Rational Animals (2006) Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Povinelli, D.J. & Vonk, J. (2003). Chimpanzee Minds: Suspiciously Human. Trends in
Cognitive Science, 7, 157-160.
Vonk, J. (2003). Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and Orangutan (Pongo abelii) understanding of first and second order relations. Animal Cognition, 6, 77-86.
Vonk, J. (2002). Can Orangutans (Pongo abelii) and Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) acquire concepts for social relationships? International Journal of Comparative Cognition, 15, 257-277.
Vonk, J., & MacDonald, S.E. (2002). Natural concept formation in a juvenile gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) at 3 levels of abstraction. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of
Behaviour, 78, 315-332.
Clark, M.M., Vonk, J.M., & Galef, B.G. Jr. (1998). Intrauterine position, parenting and nest-site attachment in male Mongolian Gerbils. Developmental Psychobiology, 32, 177-181.
Clark, M.M., DeSousa, D., Vonk, J., & Galef, B.G. Jr. (1997). Parenting and potency:
routes to reproductive success in male Mongolian gerbils. Animal Behaviour, 54, 635-642.
Clark, M.M., Vonk, J.M., & Galef, B.G. Jr. (1997). Reproductive profiles of adult Mongolian
Gerbils gestated as the sole fetus in a uterine horn. Physiology and Behaviour, 61, 77-81.
Chapters and Commentaries
Vonk, J. (2024). Species vary in within-species variability. Animal Sentience, 493.
Vonk, J. (2024). Humane rather than human end-points for comparative psychology. Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews, 19, 63-66.
Vonk, J., Torgerson, L., Edge, J. & Benton, B. (2024). More than a feeling: The comparative psychology of emotion. In L. Al-Shawaf & T.K. Shackelford (Eds). The Oxford handbook of evolution and the emotions. [pp. 769-796]. Oxford.
Vonk, J. (2023). “Monkeying around” together facilitates problem-solving. Learning and Behavior, 51, 3-4.
Vonk, J., Edge, J., (2022). Do monkeys belong in the ape house? Comparing cognition across primate species. In B. Schwartz & M.J. Beran (Eds). Primate cognitive studies. [pp. 632-673]. Cambridge University Press.
Vonk, J. (2022). Research comment on Understanding the impact of feline immunodeficiency virus on cats' cognitive performance. Veterinary Record, 191(1), 28-30.
Vonk, J. (2022). What laboratory and field approaches bring to bear for understanding the evolution of ursid cognition. In. M.A. Krause & K.L. Hollis, & M.R. Papini, (Eds). Evolution of learning and memory mechanisms. [pp. 359-374]. Cambridge University Press.
Truax, J. & Vonk, J. (2021). When it’s the test that fails: Why gorillas may not match the sample. In Owen P. Jenkins (Ed). Advances in Animal Science and Zoology Vol 18. Nova Science Publishers.
Vonk, J. (2021). Discrimination of emotion. In. J. Vonk & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, Springer.
Vonk, J. (2021). Shame and guilt. In. J. Vonk & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, Springer.
Vonk, J. (2021). Jealousy. In. J. Vonk & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, Springer.
Vonk, J. (2021). Wisconsin card-sorting task. In. J. Vonk & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, Springer.
Vonk, J. (2021). Dictator game. In. J. Vonk & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, Springer.
Vonk, J. (2021). Bottom up processing. In. J. Vonk & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, Springer.
Vonk, J. (2021). Primary defenses. In. J. Vonk & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, Springer.
Vonk, J., Edge, J., (2021). False dichotomies in the study of animal cognition. In G. Koob & S. Della Sala (Eds.) the Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience 2e. Elsevier.
(expected Aug. 2021)
Vonk, J., Edge, J., Pappas, J., Robeson, A. & Jordan, A. (2021). Cross species comparisons: When comparing apples to oranges is fruitful. In Todd K. Shackelford (Ed.). The Sage Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology [285-310], Sage Reference.
Vonk, J. (2020). No Room for speciesism in welfare considerations. Animal Sentience, 29 334.
Brosnan, S. F. & Vonk, J. (2019). Nonhuman primate responses to death. In Todd K. Shackelford and Virgil Zeigler-Hill (Eds.). Evolutionary Perspectives on Death, [pp. 77-107]. Springer, New York, NY.
Vonk, J. (2019). Emotional contagion or sensitivity to behavior in ravens? Letter Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S., 116, 18168.
Vonk, J. (2019). Sticks and stones: Associative learning alone? Learning and Behavior,
Vonk, J. (2019). A fish eye view of the mirror test. Learning and Behavior, 48, 193-194.
Vonk, J. (2019). Unobservables. In. J. Vonk & T.S. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of
Animal Cognition and Behavior, Springer. New York, NY.
Vonk, J. (2019). Octopi-ing a unique niche in comparative psychology: Commentary on
Mather on octopus cognition, Animal Sentience, 26 (6).
Vonk, J. (2019). Pulling the wool from our eyes: Commentary on Marino and Merskin
on sheep complexity, Animal Sentience, 25 (3).
Vonk, J. (2019). Unique in degree not kindness. Commentary on Chapman & Huffman on
Human Difference, Animal Sentience, 23 (21).
Vonk, J. (2019). C-ape-able of deciding personhood? Commentary on issue on great ape
personhood by Shawn Thompson. ASEBL (Association for the study of Ethical
Behavior and Evolutionary Biology in Literature) Journal, 14. 43-45.
Vonk, J. (2018). Are Chimpanzees ‘stuck’ on their ‘selves’ in video? Learning and
Vonk, J. (2018). Researchers, not dogs, lack control in an experiment on jealousy.
Commentary on Cook et al. on jealousy in dogs, Animal Sentience, 22 (2).
Vonk, J. (2018). Social strategies in a not-so-social carnivore. Learning and Behavior, 1-2.
Vonk, J., & Eaton, T. (2018). Personality in nonhuman animals: Comparative
perspectives and applications. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. Shackelford (Eds.). The Sage
Handbook of Personality and Individual Differences, [pp. 23-51]. Sage Publishers.
Vonk, J. & Oriani, S. (2017). Controversies. In. T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-
Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer. New
York, NY. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_2638-1
Vonk, J. (2017). Why humans are unique. In. T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-
Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer. New
York, NY. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_2641-1
Vonk, J. (2017). What can research on nonhumans tell us about human dissonance?
Commentary on Zentall on cognitive dissonance, Animal Sentience, 004.
Vonk, J. (2017). Non-human primates. In V. Zeigler-Hill and T.K. Shackelford, (Eds).
Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Springer. New York, NY
Vonk, J. (2016). Advances in Animal Cognition, Behavioral Sciences, 6. 27.
Vonk, J. (2016). Non-human Intelligence. In. T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-
Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer. New
York, NY.
Vonk, J. (2016). Abstract Concept Formation. In. T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-
Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer. New
York, NY. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_3113-1
Vonk, J. (2016). Same-Different Categorization. In. T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-
Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer. New
York, NY. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_3112-1
Vonk, J. (2016). The Unobservability Hypothesis. In. T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-
Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer. New
York, NY. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_3115-1)
Vonk, J. (2016). Bigger Brains may Make Better Problem-Solving Carnivores. Learning and Behavior, 44, 99-100.
Vonk, J. (2016). Apes have eyes to the future. Learning and Behavior, 44: 207-208.
Vonk, J., Mayhew, P. & Zeigler-Hill, V. (2016). Gender roles not anatomical sex predict
social cognitive skills, such as empathy and perspective-taking In.. D.F. Watt and J.
Pankseep (Eds.) The Neurobiology and Psychology of Empathy (pp. 187-209), Nova
Publishers, Hauppauge, NY.
Vonk, J., Stephanie Allard, Lauri Torgerson-White, Cynthia Bennett, Moriah Galvan, Molly M. McGuire, Jennifer Hamilton, Zoe Johnson-Ulrich, & Jennifer Lieb. (2015). Manipulating spatial and visual cues in a win-stay foraging task in captive grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilus). In E. A. Thayer (Ed) Spatial,Long-and short-term Memory: Functions, Differences and Effects of Injury (pp. 47-60), Nova publishers, Hauppauge, NY.
Vonk, J. Hoffmaster, E., Johnson-Ulrich, Z. & Oriani, S. (2015). If we build it comparative psychologists will come: Commentary on “A crisis in comparative psychology: Where have all the undergraduates gone” Frontiers in Comparative Psychology, 6:1700. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01700 .
Vonk, J. & Aradhye, C. (2015). Evolution of cognition. [pp. 479-488]. In M. Muehlenbein (Ed). Basics in Human Evolution, Elsevier, London.
Cwikla, J. & Vonk, J. (2015). How do fair sharing tasks facilitate young children’s access to fractional concepts? [pp. 173-189] In U. Gellert, J. Gimenez-Rodriguez, C. Hahn and S.
Kafoussi (Eds.) Educational Paths to Mathematics, A C.I.E.A.E.M. Sourcebook. Springer, New York.
Vonk, J., McGuire, M , & Johnson-Ulrich, Z. (2015). The Evolution of social cognition [pp. 81-96]. In V. Zeigler-Hill, L. Welling & T.K. Shackelford (Eds). Evolutionary Perspectives on Social Psychology, Springer, New York.
Cater, T., Vonk, J. & Biondillo, A. (2015). Analogical reasoning in two domains: The Influence of verbal reasoning. In. M. Bryant (Ed) Social Relationships and Friendships: Perceptions, Influences on human development and psychological effects. Nova Publishers.
Vonk, J. & Shackelford, T.K. (2015). Comparative evolutionary psychology: Current status and a proposal for a more integrated future. [pp. 394-399]. In J. D. Wright (Ed) International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences 2nd Edition, Elsevier Oxford, U.K..
Vonk, J. (2015). Corvid cognition: Something to crow about? Invited commentary for Current Biology, 25, R69-R71.
Aradhye, C. & Vonk, J. (2014). Theory of mind in grandiose and vulnerable facets of Narcissism. [pp 347-363] Invited chapter in Besser. A. (Ed.) Handbook of the Psychology of Narcissism: Diverse Perspectives, Nova Publishers.
Vonk, J. & & Shackelford, T.K. (2014). Introduction to comparative evolutionary psychology: Merging Perspectives. Animal Behavior & Cognition, 1, iv-viii.
Which form of Narcissist knows self and others best of all? Personality and Individual Differences54, 396-401.
Vonk, J., Jett, S.E., & Mosteller, K.W. (2012). Concept formation in American black
bears (Ursus americanus). AnimalBehaviour, 84, 954-964.
Vonk, J. & Beran, M.J. (2012).Bears “Count” Too: Quantity Estimation and
Comparison in Black Bears (Ursus Americanus). Animal Behaviour, 84, 231-238.
Zamisch, V. & Vonk, J. (2012). Spatial Memory in Captive American Black Bears
(Ursus Americanus). Journal of Comparative Psychology, 126, 372-387 .
Subiaul, F., Vonk, J. & Rutherford, M.D.(2011).The Ghosts in the Computer: The Role of Agency and Animacy Attributions in “Ghost Controls”. PLOS One.
Cater, T.E., Zeigler-Hill, V & Vonk, J. (2011). Narcissism and recollections of early life experiences. Personality and Individual Differences, 51, 935-939.
Vonk, J. & Povinelli, D.J. (2011).Individual differences in long-term cognitive testing in a group of captive chimpanzees. International Journal of Comparative Psychology, 24, 137-167.
West, S., Jett, S.E., Beckman, T. & Vonk, J. (2010). The Phylogenetic roots of cognitive
dissonance. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 124, 425-432.
Vonk, J. & Subiaul, F. (2009). Do chimpanzees know what others can and cannot do?
Reasoning about ‘capability’. Animal Cognition, 12, 267-286.
Subiaul, F., Vonk, J., Barth, J., &. Okamoto-Barth, S. (2008). Do Chimpanzees learn
reputation by observation? Evidence from direct and indirect experience with generous and selfish strangers. Animal Cognition, 11, 611-623.
Vonk, J., Brosnan, S.F., Povinelli, D.J., Henrich, J. Shapiro. S., Richardson, A, Lambeth, S.P. & Silk, J.B. (2008). Chimpanzees do not take advantage of low-cost opportunities
to deliver food to group-mates. Animal Behaviour, 75, 1757 - 1770.
Vonk, J. & Horton, K.D. (2006). The role of automatic and conscious retrieval processes in
directed forgetting. Memory & Cognition, 34, 505-517.
Silk, J., Brosnan, S.F., Vonk, J., Henrich, J., Povinelli, D.J., Shapiro, S., Richardson, A,
Lambeth, S.P., & Mascaro, J. (2005). Chimpanzees are indifferent to the welfare of unrelated group members. Nature, 437, 1357-1359.
Horton, K.D., Wilson, D.E., Vonk, J., Kirby, S.L., & Nielsen, T. (2005). A comparison of
implicit memory and process dissociation with the speeded response procedure: Depth of
processing and attentional effects on automatic retrieval. Acta Psychologica, 119, 235-
Vonk, J., & MacDonald, S.E. (2004). Levels of abstraction in orangutan (Pongo abelii)
categorization. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 118, 3-13.
Povinelli, D.J. & Vonk, J. (2004). We don’t need a microscope to explore the chimpanzee’s mind. Jointly published in Mind and Language, 19, 1-28,and S. Hurley & M. Nudds (Eds.) Rational Animals (2006) Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Povinelli, D.J. & Vonk, J. (2003). Chimpanzee Minds: Suspiciously Human. Trends in
Cognitive Science, 7, 157-160.
Vonk, J. (2003). Gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) and Orangutan (Pongo abelii) understanding of first and second order relations. Animal Cognition, 6, 77-86.
Vonk, J. (2002). Can Orangutans (Pongo abelii) and Gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) acquire concepts for social relationships? International Journal of Comparative Cognition, 15, 257-277.
Vonk, J., & MacDonald, S.E. (2002). Natural concept formation in a juvenile gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) at 3 levels of abstraction. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of
Behaviour, 78, 315-332.
Clark, M.M., Vonk, J.M., & Galef, B.G. Jr. (1998). Intrauterine position, parenting and nest-site attachment in male Mongolian Gerbils. Developmental Psychobiology, 32, 177-181.
Clark, M.M., DeSousa, D., Vonk, J., & Galef, B.G. Jr. (1997). Parenting and potency:
routes to reproductive success in male Mongolian gerbils. Animal Behaviour, 54, 635-642.
Clark, M.M., Vonk, J.M., & Galef, B.G. Jr. (1997). Reproductive profiles of adult Mongolian
Gerbils gestated as the sole fetus in a uterine horn. Physiology and Behaviour, 61, 77-81.
Chapters and Commentaries
Vonk, J. (2024). Species vary in within-species variability. Animal Sentience, 493.
Vonk, J. (2024). Humane rather than human end-points for comparative psychology. Comparative Cognition & Behavior Reviews, 19, 63-66.
Vonk, J., Torgerson, L., Edge, J. & Benton, B. (2024). More than a feeling: The comparative psychology of emotion. In L. Al-Shawaf & T.K. Shackelford (Eds). The Oxford handbook of evolution and the emotions. [pp. 769-796]. Oxford.
Vonk, J. (2023). “Monkeying around” together facilitates problem-solving. Learning and Behavior, 51, 3-4.
Vonk, J., Edge, J., (2022). Do monkeys belong in the ape house? Comparing cognition across primate species. In B. Schwartz & M.J. Beran (Eds). Primate cognitive studies. [pp. 632-673]. Cambridge University Press.
Vonk, J. (2022). Research comment on Understanding the impact of feline immunodeficiency virus on cats' cognitive performance. Veterinary Record, 191(1), 28-30.
Vonk, J. (2022). What laboratory and field approaches bring to bear for understanding the evolution of ursid cognition. In. M.A. Krause & K.L. Hollis, & M.R. Papini, (Eds). Evolution of learning and memory mechanisms. [pp. 359-374]. Cambridge University Press.
Truax, J. & Vonk, J. (2021). When it’s the test that fails: Why gorillas may not match the sample. In Owen P. Jenkins (Ed). Advances in Animal Science and Zoology Vol 18. Nova Science Publishers.
Vonk, J. (2021). Discrimination of emotion. In. J. Vonk & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, Springer.
Vonk, J. (2021). Shame and guilt. In. J. Vonk & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, Springer.
Vonk, J. (2021). Jealousy. In. J. Vonk & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, Springer.
Vonk, J. (2021). Wisconsin card-sorting task. In. J. Vonk & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, Springer.
Vonk, J. (2021). Dictator game. In. J. Vonk & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, Springer.
Vonk, J. (2021). Bottom up processing. In. J. Vonk & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, Springer.
Vonk, J. (2021). Primary defenses. In. J. Vonk & T. K. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior, Springer.
Vonk, J., Edge, J., (2021). False dichotomies in the study of animal cognition. In G. Koob & S. Della Sala (Eds.) the Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience 2e. Elsevier.
(expected Aug. 2021)
Vonk, J., Edge, J., Pappas, J., Robeson, A. & Jordan, A. (2021). Cross species comparisons: When comparing apples to oranges is fruitful. In Todd K. Shackelford (Ed.). The Sage Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology [285-310], Sage Reference.
Vonk, J. (2020). No Room for speciesism in welfare considerations. Animal Sentience, 29 334.
Brosnan, S. F. & Vonk, J. (2019). Nonhuman primate responses to death. In Todd K. Shackelford and Virgil Zeigler-Hill (Eds.). Evolutionary Perspectives on Death, [pp. 77-107]. Springer, New York, NY.
Vonk, J. (2019). Emotional contagion or sensitivity to behavior in ravens? Letter Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S., 116, 18168.
Vonk, J. (2019). Sticks and stones: Associative learning alone? Learning and Behavior,
Vonk, J. (2019). A fish eye view of the mirror test. Learning and Behavior, 48, 193-194.
Vonk, J. (2019). Unobservables. In. J. Vonk & T.S. Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of
Animal Cognition and Behavior, Springer. New York, NY.
Vonk, J. (2019). Octopi-ing a unique niche in comparative psychology: Commentary on
Mather on octopus cognition, Animal Sentience, 26 (6).
Vonk, J. (2019). Pulling the wool from our eyes: Commentary on Marino and Merskin
on sheep complexity, Animal Sentience, 25 (3).
Vonk, J. (2019). Unique in degree not kindness. Commentary on Chapman & Huffman on
Human Difference, Animal Sentience, 23 (21).
Vonk, J. (2019). C-ape-able of deciding personhood? Commentary on issue on great ape
personhood by Shawn Thompson. ASEBL (Association for the study of Ethical
Behavior and Evolutionary Biology in Literature) Journal, 14. 43-45.
Vonk, J. (2018). Are Chimpanzees ‘stuck’ on their ‘selves’ in video? Learning and
Vonk, J. (2018). Researchers, not dogs, lack control in an experiment on jealousy.
Commentary on Cook et al. on jealousy in dogs, Animal Sentience, 22 (2).
Vonk, J. (2018). Social strategies in a not-so-social carnivore. Learning and Behavior, 1-2.
Vonk, J., & Eaton, T. (2018). Personality in nonhuman animals: Comparative
perspectives and applications. In V. Zeigler-Hill & T. Shackelford (Eds.). The Sage
Handbook of Personality and Individual Differences, [pp. 23-51]. Sage Publishers.
Vonk, J. & Oriani, S. (2017). Controversies. In. T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-
Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer. New
York, NY. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_2638-1
Vonk, J. (2017). Why humans are unique. In. T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-
Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer. New
York, NY. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_2641-1
Vonk, J. (2017). What can research on nonhumans tell us about human dissonance?
Commentary on Zentall on cognitive dissonance, Animal Sentience, 004.
Vonk, J. (2017). Non-human primates. In V. Zeigler-Hill and T.K. Shackelford, (Eds).
Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences, Springer. New York, NY
Vonk, J. (2016). Advances in Animal Cognition, Behavioral Sciences, 6. 27.
Vonk, J. (2016). Non-human Intelligence. In. T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-
Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer. New
York, NY.
Vonk, J. (2016). Abstract Concept Formation. In. T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-
Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer. New
York, NY. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_3113-1
Vonk, J. (2016). Same-Different Categorization. In. T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-
Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer. New
York, NY. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_3112-1
Vonk, J. (2016). The Unobservability Hypothesis. In. T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-
Shackelford (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer. New
York, NY. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_3115-1)
Vonk, J. (2016). Bigger Brains may Make Better Problem-Solving Carnivores. Learning and Behavior, 44, 99-100.
Vonk, J. (2016). Apes have eyes to the future. Learning and Behavior, 44: 207-208.
Vonk, J., Mayhew, P. & Zeigler-Hill, V. (2016). Gender roles not anatomical sex predict
social cognitive skills, such as empathy and perspective-taking In.. D.F. Watt and J.
Pankseep (Eds.) The Neurobiology and Psychology of Empathy (pp. 187-209), Nova
Publishers, Hauppauge, NY.
Vonk, J., Stephanie Allard, Lauri Torgerson-White, Cynthia Bennett, Moriah Galvan, Molly M. McGuire, Jennifer Hamilton, Zoe Johnson-Ulrich, & Jennifer Lieb. (2015). Manipulating spatial and visual cues in a win-stay foraging task in captive grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilus). In E. A. Thayer (Ed) Spatial,Long-and short-term Memory: Functions, Differences and Effects of Injury (pp. 47-60), Nova publishers, Hauppauge, NY.
Vonk, J. Hoffmaster, E., Johnson-Ulrich, Z. & Oriani, S. (2015). If we build it comparative psychologists will come: Commentary on “A crisis in comparative psychology: Where have all the undergraduates gone” Frontiers in Comparative Psychology, 6:1700. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01700 .
Vonk, J. & Aradhye, C. (2015). Evolution of cognition. [pp. 479-488]. In M. Muehlenbein (Ed). Basics in Human Evolution, Elsevier, London.
Cwikla, J. & Vonk, J. (2015). How do fair sharing tasks facilitate young children’s access to fractional concepts? [pp. 173-189] In U. Gellert, J. Gimenez-Rodriguez, C. Hahn and S.
Kafoussi (Eds.) Educational Paths to Mathematics, A C.I.E.A.E.M. Sourcebook. Springer, New York.
Vonk, J., McGuire, M , & Johnson-Ulrich, Z. (2015). The Evolution of social cognition [pp. 81-96]. In V. Zeigler-Hill, L. Welling & T.K. Shackelford (Eds). Evolutionary Perspectives on Social Psychology, Springer, New York.
Cater, T., Vonk, J. & Biondillo, A. (2015). Analogical reasoning in two domains: The Influence of verbal reasoning. In. M. Bryant (Ed) Social Relationships and Friendships: Perceptions, Influences on human development and psychological effects. Nova Publishers.
Vonk, J. & Shackelford, T.K. (2015). Comparative evolutionary psychology: Current status and a proposal for a more integrated future. [pp. 394-399]. In J. D. Wright (Ed) International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences 2nd Edition, Elsevier Oxford, U.K..
Vonk, J. (2015). Corvid cognition: Something to crow about? Invited commentary for Current Biology, 25, R69-R71.
Aradhye, C. & Vonk, J. (2014). Theory of mind in grandiose and vulnerable facets of Narcissism. [pp 347-363] Invited chapter in Besser. A. (Ed.) Handbook of the Psychology of Narcissism: Diverse Perspectives, Nova Publishers.
Vonk, J. & & Shackelford, T.K. (2014). Introduction to comparative evolutionary psychology: Merging Perspectives. Animal Behavior & Cognition, 1, iv-viii.
Vonk, J. & Shackelford, T.K. (2015). Comparative evolutionary psychology:Current status
and a proposal for a more integrated future. Invited chapter for J. Wright (ed)
International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences 2nd Edition, Elsevier
Vonk, J. & Mosteller, K.W. (2013) Perceptual versus conceptual memory processes in a
chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). In Howe, M., Toglia, M., Otgaar, H., & Schwartz, B.
(Eds). What is Adaptive about Adaptive Memory. Oxford University Press.
Vonk, J., & Shackelford, T.K. (2013). An introduction to comparative evolutionary
psychology. Evolutionary Psychology, 11, 459-469.
Vonk, J. (2013). Concepts, comparative perspectives. Article commissioned for
the Encyclopedia of the Mind. H. Pashler (Ed.). Sage Publishers, Thousand Oaks,
Vonk, J. & Povinelli, D.J. (2012). Similarity and difference in the conceptual systems
of primates: The Unobservability hypothesis. In E.Wasserman and T. Zentall
(Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Comparative Cognition, 2nd Ed. Oxford University Press.
Vonk, J. & Shackelford, T.K. (2012). Toward Bridging Gaps: Finding Commonality among
Evolutionary and Comparative Psychologists. In. J. Vonk & T. Shackelford (Eds)
Oxford Handbook of Comparative Evolutionary Psychology, pp 3-16.
Oxford University Press. New York
Vonk, J. & Shackelford, T.K. (2012). Comparative Evolutionary Psychology: A United
Discipline for the Study of Evolved Traits In. J. Vonk & T. Shackelford (Eds) Oxford
Handbook of Comparative Evolutionary Psychology, pp 547-560. Oxford
University Press. New York.
Finsterwald, A., Reaux, J.E., Vonk, J., & Povinelli, D.J. (2012). Sorting Weight. In
Povinelli, D.J. (Ed.) World without weight: perspectives on an alien mind. Oxford, Oxford
University Press.
Povinelli, D.J., Reaux, J.E., Dunphy-Lelii, S.L., & Vonk, J. (2012). Weight As
Impediment. In Povinelli, D.J. (Ed.) World without weight: perspectives on an alien
mind. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Povinelli, D.J., Vonk, J. & Castille, C.M., (2012). Developing (f) Weight. In
Povinelli, D.J. (Ed.), World without weight: perspectives on an alien mind.
Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Vonk, J., Finsterwald, A., Dorton, W., Reaux, J.E., Faughn, C. Penn,
D.C., & Povinelli, D.J., (2012). The Impact of Weight. In Povinelli, D.J. (Ed.) World
without weight: perspectives on an alien mind. Oxford, Oxford University
Vonk, J., Reaux, J.E., & Povinelli, D.J. (2012). Close Imposters: Balance,
Support, and Deformation. In Povinelli, D.J. (Ed.), World
without weight: perspectives on an alien mind.Oxford, Oxford
University Press.
Vonk, J., & Povinelli, D.J. (2011). Preliminary Investigations of
Cognitive Plasticity: Social and Physical Causality in
Home-Reared Chimpanzees In Naomi Eilan, Hemdat Lerman & Johannes Roessler (eds.), Perception, Causation, and Objectivity. Issues in Philosophy and Psychology. pp 342-367. Oxford University
Vonk, J. & Povinelli, D.J. (2010). Animal Intelligence. Article commissioned for
Corsini’s Encyclopedia of Psychology, 4th edition. Wiley Publishers, WashingtonD.C..
Vonk, J. & Povinelli, D.J. (2006). Similarity and difference in the conceptual systems
of primates: The Unobservability hypothesis. In E.Wasserman and T. Zentall
(Eds.) Comparative Cognition: Experimental Explorations of Animal Intelligence.Oxford
University Press, England. pp.363-387.
Silk, J., Brosnan, S.F., Vonk, J., Henrich, J., Povinelli, D.J., Shapiro, S., Richardson,
A, Lambeth, S.P., & Mascaro, J. (2006). Animal Behaviour: Chimpanzee choice and
prosociality (reply). Nature, 440, E6.
and a proposal for a more integrated future. Invited chapter for J. Wright (ed)
International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences 2nd Edition, Elsevier
Vonk, J. & Mosteller, K.W. (2013) Perceptual versus conceptual memory processes in a
chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes). In Howe, M., Toglia, M., Otgaar, H., & Schwartz, B.
(Eds). What is Adaptive about Adaptive Memory. Oxford University Press.
Vonk, J., & Shackelford, T.K. (2013). An introduction to comparative evolutionary
psychology. Evolutionary Psychology, 11, 459-469.
Vonk, J. (2013). Concepts, comparative perspectives. Article commissioned for
the Encyclopedia of the Mind. H. Pashler (Ed.). Sage Publishers, Thousand Oaks,
Vonk, J. & Povinelli, D.J. (2012). Similarity and difference in the conceptual systems
of primates: The Unobservability hypothesis. In E.Wasserman and T. Zentall
(Eds.) Oxford Handbook of Comparative Cognition, 2nd Ed. Oxford University Press.
Vonk, J. & Shackelford, T.K. (2012). Toward Bridging Gaps: Finding Commonality among
Evolutionary and Comparative Psychologists. In. J. Vonk & T. Shackelford (Eds)
Oxford Handbook of Comparative Evolutionary Psychology, pp 3-16.
Oxford University Press. New York
Vonk, J. & Shackelford, T.K. (2012). Comparative Evolutionary Psychology: A United
Discipline for the Study of Evolved Traits In. J. Vonk & T. Shackelford (Eds) Oxford
Handbook of Comparative Evolutionary Psychology, pp 547-560. Oxford
University Press. New York.
Finsterwald, A., Reaux, J.E., Vonk, J., & Povinelli, D.J. (2012). Sorting Weight. In
Povinelli, D.J. (Ed.) World without weight: perspectives on an alien mind. Oxford, Oxford
University Press.
Povinelli, D.J., Reaux, J.E., Dunphy-Lelii, S.L., & Vonk, J. (2012). Weight As
Impediment. In Povinelli, D.J. (Ed.) World without weight: perspectives on an alien
mind. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Povinelli, D.J., Vonk, J. & Castille, C.M., (2012). Developing (f) Weight. In
Povinelli, D.J. (Ed.), World without weight: perspectives on an alien mind.
Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Vonk, J., Finsterwald, A., Dorton, W., Reaux, J.E., Faughn, C. Penn,
D.C., & Povinelli, D.J., (2012). The Impact of Weight. In Povinelli, D.J. (Ed.) World
without weight: perspectives on an alien mind. Oxford, Oxford University
Vonk, J., Reaux, J.E., & Povinelli, D.J. (2012). Close Imposters: Balance,
Support, and Deformation. In Povinelli, D.J. (Ed.), World
without weight: perspectives on an alien mind.Oxford, Oxford
University Press.
Vonk, J., & Povinelli, D.J. (2011). Preliminary Investigations of
Cognitive Plasticity: Social and Physical Causality in
Home-Reared Chimpanzees In Naomi Eilan, Hemdat Lerman & Johannes Roessler (eds.), Perception, Causation, and Objectivity. Issues in Philosophy and Psychology. pp 342-367. Oxford University
Vonk, J. & Povinelli, D.J. (2010). Animal Intelligence. Article commissioned for
Corsini’s Encyclopedia of Psychology, 4th edition. Wiley Publishers, WashingtonD.C..
Vonk, J. & Povinelli, D.J. (2006). Similarity and difference in the conceptual systems
of primates: The Unobservability hypothesis. In E.Wasserman and T. Zentall
(Eds.) Comparative Cognition: Experimental Explorations of Animal Intelligence.Oxford
University Press, England. pp.363-387.
Silk, J., Brosnan, S.F., Vonk, J., Henrich, J., Povinelli, D.J., Shapiro, S., Richardson,
A, Lambeth, S.P., & Mascaro, J. (2006). Animal Behaviour: Chimpanzee choice and
prosociality (reply). Nature, 440, E6.